docker version
Client: Docker Engine - Community
Version: 20.10.22
API version: 1.41
Go version: go1.18.9
Git commit: 3a2c30b
Built: Thu Dec 15 22:30:24 2022
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Context: default
Experimental: true
Server: Docker Engine - Community
Version: 20.10.9
API version: 1.41 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.16.8
Git commit: 79ea9d3
Built: Mon Oct 4 16:06:37 2021
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false
Version: 1.6.13
GitCommit: 78f51771157abb6c9ed224c22013cdf09962315d
Version: 1.1.4
GitCommit: v1.1.4-0-g5fd4c4d
Version: 0.19.0
GitCommit: de40ad0
docker-compose version
docker-compose version 1.25.5, build 8a1c60f6
docker-py version: 4.1.0
CPython version: 3.7.5
OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.0l 10 Sep 2019
拖动文件到指定区域之后浏览器页面崩溃,错误代码RESULT_CODE_KILLED_BAD_MESSAGE。edge 和 Google 均如此。
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.715+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][category] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/layouts/layout :: layout(content = ~{::content}, htmlType = 'category')" found in template category, line 2, col 17. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/layouts/layout :: layout(content = ~{::content}, htmlType = 'category')}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.716+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/layouts/layout] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/head :: head(metas = null, links = null, scripts = ~{::head/script})" found in template modules/layouts/layout, line 5, col 7. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/head :: head(metas = null, links = null, scripts = ~{::head/script})}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.722+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/layouts/layout] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/loading-box :: loading-box" found in template modules/layouts/layout, line 38, col 6. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/loading-box :: loading-box}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.722+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/layouts/layout] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/widgets/console :: console" found in template modules/layouts/layout, line 44, col 6. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/widgets/console :: console}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.722+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/layouts/layout] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/sidebar :: sidebar" found in template modules/layouts/layout, line 46, col 6. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/sidebar :: sidebar}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.724+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][category] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/nav :: nav" found in template category, line 8, col 18. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/nav :: nav}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.724+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/nav] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/widgets/nav-left :: nav-left" found in template modules/nav, line 7, col 14. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/widgets/nav-left :: nav-left}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.724+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/nav] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/widgets/nav-menu :: nav-menu" found in template modules/nav, line 14, col 14. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/widgets/nav-menu :: nav-menu}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.727+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/nav] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/widgets/nav-right :: nav-right" found in template modules/nav, line 17, col 14. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/widgets/nav-right :: nav-right}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.729+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][category] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/aside :: aside(${theme.config.sidebar.categoryWidgets})" found in template category, line 69, col 18. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/aside :: aside(${theme.config.sidebar.categoryWidgets})}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.729+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/aside] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}" found in template modules/aside, line 13, col 27. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.730+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/aside] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}" found in template modules/aside, line 13, col 27. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.733+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/aside] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}" found in template modules/aside, line 13, col 27. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.734+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/aside] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}" found in template modules/aside, line 17, col 31. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.734+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/widgets/aside/tags-stat] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/widgets/aside/tags :: tags" found in template modules/widgets/aside/tags-stat, line 10, col 23. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/widgets/aside/tags :: tags}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.735+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/widgets/aside/tags-stat] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/widgets/aside/stat :: stat" found in template modules/widgets/aside/tags-stat, line 14, col 23. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/widgets/aside/stat :: stat}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.738+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][category] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/footer :: footer" found in template category, line 73, col 17. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/footer :: footer}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.740+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-28] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-28][modules/layouts/layout] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/right-menu :: right-menu" found in template modules/layouts/layout, line 64, col 6. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/right-menu :: right-menu}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.950+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][category] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/layouts/layout :: layout(content = ~{::content}, htmlType = 'category')" found in template category, line 2, col 17. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/layouts/layout :: layout(content = ~{::content}, htmlType = 'category')}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.950+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/layouts/layout] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/head :: head(metas = null, links = null, scripts = ~{::head/script})" found in template modules/layouts/layout, line 5, col 7. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/head :: head(metas = null, links = null, scripts = ~{::head/script})}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.958+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/layouts/layout] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/loading-box :: loading-box" found in template modules/layouts/layout, line 38, col 6. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/loading-box :: loading-box}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.958+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/layouts/layout] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/widgets/console :: console" found in template modules/layouts/layout, line 44, col 6. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/widgets/console :: console}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.959+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/layouts/layout] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/sidebar :: sidebar" found in template modules/layouts/layout, line 46, col 6. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/sidebar :: sidebar}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.962+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][category] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/nav :: nav" found in template category, line 8, col 18. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/nav :: nav}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.962+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/nav] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/widgets/nav-left :: nav-left" found in template modules/nav, line 7, col 14. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/widgets/nav-left :: nav-left}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.962+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/nav] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/widgets/nav-menu :: nav-menu" found in template modules/nav, line 14, col 14. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/widgets/nav-menu :: nav-menu}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.966+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/nav] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/widgets/nav-right :: nav-right" found in template modules/nav, line 17, col 14. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/widgets/nav-right :: nav-right}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.968+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][category] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/aside :: aside(${theme.config.sidebar.categoryWidgets})" found in template category, line 69, col 18. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/aside :: aside(${theme.config.sidebar.categoryWidgets})}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.968+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/aside] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}" found in template modules/aside, line 13, col 27. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.969+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/aside] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}" found in template modules/aside, line 13, col 27. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.973+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/aside] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}" found in template modules/aside, line 13, col 27. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.975+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/aside] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}" found in template modules/aside, line 17, col 31. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{'modules/widgets/aside/'+ ${widget}}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.975+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/widgets/aside/tags-stat] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/widgets/aside/tags :: tags" found in template modules/widgets/aside/tags-stat, line 10, col 23. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/widgets/aside/tags :: tags}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.976+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/widgets/aside/tags-stat] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/widgets/aside/stat :: stat" found in template modules/widgets/aside/tags-stat, line 14, col 23. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/widgets/aside/stat :: stat}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.981+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][category] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/footer :: footer" found in template category, line 73, col 17. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/footer :: footer}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:05.981+08:00 WARN 7 --- [undedElastic-27] actStandardFragmentInsertionTagProcessor : [THYMELEAF][boundedElastic-27][modules/layouts/layout] Deprecated unwrapped fragment expression "modules/right-menu :: right-menu" found in template modules/layouts/layout, line 64, col 6. Please use the complete syntax of fragment expressions instead ("~{modules/right-menu :: right-menu}"). The old, unwrapped syntax for fragment expressions will be removed in future versions of Thymeleaf.
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:06.237+08:00 ERROR 7 --- [or-http-epoll-2] o.s.w.s.adapter.HttpWebHandlerAdapter : [4e76a21d-1632] Error [java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /root/.halo2/themes/theme-hao/templates/assets/libs/swiper/swiper-bundle.min.js.map] for HTTP GET "/themes/theme-hao/assets/libs/swiper/swiper-bundle.min.js.map", but ServerHttpResponse already committed (200 OK)
halo | 2022-12-19T22:31:06.237+08:00 ERROR 7 --- [or-http-epoll-2] r.n.http.server.HttpServerOperations : [4e76a21d-2, L:/ - R:/] Error finishing response. Closing connection
halo |
halo | java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /root/.halo2/themes/theme-hao/templates/assets/libs/swiper/swiper-bundle.min.js.map
halo | at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
halo | Suppressed: reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnAssembly$OnAssemblyException:
halo | Error has been observed at the following site(s):
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ Handler run.halo.app.theme.ThemeConfiguration$$Lambda$1245/0x0000000801328f68@7c984cb3 [DispatcherHandler]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ org.springframework.web.filter.reactive.ServerHttpObservationFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ AuthorizationWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ ExceptionTranslationWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ LogoutWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ ServerRequestCacheWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ SecurityContextServerWebExchangeWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ LogoutPageGeneratingWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ LoginPageGeneratingWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ AnonymousAuthenticationWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ AuthenticationWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ AuthenticationWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ ReactorContextWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ CsrfWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ CorsWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ HttpHeaderWriterWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ ServerWebExchangeReactorContextWebFilter [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ org.springframework.security.web.server.WebFilterChainProxy [DefaultWebFilterChain]
halo | *__checkpoint ⇢ HTTP GET "/themes/theme-hao/assets/libs/swiper/swiper-bundle.min.js.map" [ExceptionHandlingWebHandler]
halo | Original Stack Trace:
halo | at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
halo | at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
halo | at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
halo | at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.newFileChannel(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
halo | at java.base/java.nio.channels.FileChannel.open(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
halo | at java.base/java.nio.channels.FileChannel.open(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]
halo | at reactor.netty.NettyOutbound.lambda$sendFile$0(NettyOutbound.java:169) ~[reactor-netty-core-1.1.0.jar:1.1.0]
halo | at reactor.core.publisher.MonoUsing.subscribe(MonoUsing.java:75) ~[reactor-core-3.5.0.jar:3.5.0]
halo | at reactor.core.publisher.MonoIgnoreThen$ThenIgnoreMain.subscribeNext(MonoIgnoreThen.java:240) ~[reactor-core-3.5.0.jar:3.5.0]