你好 七月leng ,问题解决了吗?看到你的站点已经可以正常访问了。
has been blocked by CORS policy:The request client is not a secure contextand the resource is in more-privat address space `local `
已被CORS策略阻止:请求客户端不是安全上下文,资源位于更私密的地址空间 `local`
查询资料后发现这是应该一个Chrome浏览器的新特性 原文链接
Chrome is deprecating access to private network endpoints from non-secure websites as part of the Private Network Access specification. The aim is to protect users from cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks targeting routers and other devices on private networks. These attacks have affected hundreds of thousands of users, allowing attackers to redirect them to malicious servers.
Chrome will introduce the following changes:
- Blocking requests to private networks from insecure public websites starting in Chrome 94.
- Introducing a deprecation trial which will end in Chrome 109. It will allow developers to request a time extension > - for chosen origins, which will not be affected during the deprecation trial.
- Introducing a Chrome policy which will allow managed Chrome deployments to bypass the deprecation permanently. Available in Chrome 92.
If you need more time to mitigate the impact of the deprecation register for the deprecation trial.
If you have administrative control over your users, you can re-enable the feature using Chrome policies.
To mitigate the impact of the new restrictions, use one of the following strategies:
- Upgrade your website to HTTPS, and if necessary the target server.
- Upgrade your website to HTTPS and use WebTransport.
- Reverse the embedding relationship.
Chrome 将弃用从不安全网站访问专用网络终结点的功能,这是专用网络访问规范的一部分。其目的是保护用户免受针对专用网络上的路由器和其他设备的跨站点请求伪造 (CSRF) 攻击。这些攻击影响了数十万用户,允许攻击者将他们重定向到恶意服务器。
Chrome 将引入以下更改:
- 从 Chrome 94 开始阻止来自不安全公共网站的专用网络请求。
- 引入将在Chrome 109中结束的弃用试用版。它将允许开发人员请求延长所选源的时间,这在弃用试用期间不会受到影响。
- 引入 Chrome 政策,允许受管理的 Chrome 部署永久绕过弃用。在 Chrome 92 中可用。
如果您对用户拥有管理控制权,则可以使用 Chrome 政策重新启用该功能。
- 将您的网站升级到HTTPS,如有必要,还可以升级目标服务器。
- 将您的网站升级到HTTPS并使用WebTransport。
- 反转嵌入关系。

做代理或改dns 两种资源都改成 内网或者外网ip
配置chrome选项为disable chrome://flags/#block-insecure-private-network-requests或者访问者资源加响应头 Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network
在 实验页面 chrome://flags
搜索 Block insecure private network requests
设置为 Disabled

在nginx config中添加header
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network: true;