2022-02-13 15:28:47.867 WARN 7 --- [Timer-0] run.halo.app.cache.AbstractCacheStore : Cache key: [cache_lock_public void run.halo.app.controller.content.api.JournalController.like(java.lang.Integer):1:] has been expired
2022-02-13 19:02:11.379 WARN 7 --- [qtp2121744549-1880] .w.s.m.s.DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver : Resolved [org.springframework.web.HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException: Request method 'POST' not supported]
2022-02-13 20:58:47.867 WARN 7 --- [Timer-0] run.halo.app.cache.AbstractCacheStore : Cache key: [cache_lock_login_auth] has been expired
2022-02-13 20:58:47.867 WARN 7 --- [Timer-0] run.halo.app.cache.AbstractCacheStore : Cache key: [cache_lock_login_precheck] has been expired
2022-02-13 21:32:03.871 INFO 7 --- [qtp2121744549-1962] r.h.app.service.impl.AdminServiceImpl : You have been logged out, looking forward to your next visit!
2022-02-13 21:32:47.867 WARN 7 --- [Timer-0] run.halo.app.cache.AbstractCacheStore : Cache key: [cache_lock_public void run.halo.app.controller.admin.api.AdminController.logout()] has been expired
2022-02-13 21:32:47.867 WARN 7 --- [Timer-0] run.halo.app.cache.AbstractCacheStore : Cache key: [cache_lock_login_auth] has been expired
2022-02-13 21:32:47.867 WARN 7 --- [Timer-0] run.halo.app.cache.AbstractCacheStore : Cache key: [cache_lock_login_precheck] has been expired
2022-02-13 21:38:36.061 WARN 7 --- [qtp2121744549-1966] .s.h.DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler : Handle unsuccessful authentication, ip: []
2022-02-13 21:38:36.062 ERROR 7 --- [qtp2121744549-1966] .s.h.DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler : Authentication failure: [未登录,请登录后访问], status: [401 UNAUTHORIZED], data: [null]
2022-02-13 21:39:04.048 WARN 7 --- [qtp2121744549-1966] .s.h.DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler : Handle unsuccessful authentication, ip: []
2022-02-13 21:39:04.049 ERROR 7 --- [qtp2121744549-1966] .s.h.DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler : Authentication failure: [未登录,请登录后访问], status: [401 UNAUTHORIZED], data: [null]
2022-02-13 21:39:12.967 WARN 7 --- [qtp2121744549-1966] .s.h.DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler : Handle unsuccessful authentication, ip: []
2022-02-13 21:39:12.967 ERROR 7 --- [qtp2121744549-1966] .s.h.DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler : Authentication failure: [未登录,请登录后访问], status: [401 UNAUTHORIZED], data: [null]
2022-02-13 21:39:24.566 WARN 7 --- [qtp2121744549-1966] .s.h.DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler : Handle unsuccessful authentication, ip: []
2022-02-13 21:39:24.567 ERROR 7 --- [qtp2121744549-1966] .s.h.DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler : Authentication failure: [未登录,请登录后访问], status: [401 UNAUTHORIZED], data: [null]
2022-02-13 21:40:47.868 WARN 7 --- [Timer-0] run.halo.app.cache.AbstractCacheStore : Cache key: [cache_lock_login_auth] has been expired
2022-02-13 21:40:47.868 WARN 7 --- [Timer-0] run.halo.app.cache.AbstractCacheStore : Cache key: [cache_lock_login_precheck] has been expired
2022-02-13 21:41:07.429 WARN 7 --- [qtp2121744549-2090] .s.h.DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler : Handle unsuccessful authentication, ip: []
2022-02-13 21:41:07.429 ERROR 7 --- [qtp2121744549-2090] .s.h.DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler : Authentication failure: [未登录,请登录后访问], status: [401 UNAUTHORIZED], data: [null]
2022-02-13 21:53:47.867 WARN 7 --- [Timer-0] run.halo.app.cache.AbstractCacheStore : Cache key: [cache_lock_login_auth] has been expired
2022-02-13 21:53:47.867 WARN 7 --- [Timer-0] run.halo.app.cache.AbstractCacheStore : Cache key: [cache_lock_login_precheck] has been expired